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NYSCOPBA Golf outing raises over $24,000 for CPOF
NYSCOPBA held its 14th annual Charitable Golf Outing on Sept 8th at Fairways Golf Course. This year’s proceeds went to the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation. The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation (CPOF) is a national, non-profit charitable organization...

DOCCS Wreath Laying & Medals Ceremony June 2023
NYSCOPBA in the News
Attica Correctional Facility in Lockdown
Officer attacked and choked by inmate at Auburn Correctional Facility, sent to hospital
Officer attacked at Auburn Correctional Facility, sent to hospital for treatment
Union blames politics for attack on officer at Auburn Correctional Facility
NYSDOL cites 2 local prisons for staff working conditions following fentanyl exposures
NYS DOL finds unsafe and serious fentanyl exposure on correctional staff